Passion For The U.S. Marines

10 Aug

In this iconic picture, U.S. Marines triumphantly raise the American Flag. Photo courtesy


By Jose C.

As bombs fell dow to the ground, they lit up the night sky. Bullets zipped by the heads of the 25 First-Platoon U.S. Marines.

“Fall back, fall back,” Lt. Ramirez urgently ordered his men.

The marines were running out of ammo and getting concerned by the  enemy’s attempt to kill them.

“We need more troops,” yelled Lt. Ramirez. “We need more troops.”

What is the firs thing that comes to mind when many people think of war? It’s not just killing, shooting and guns. For some people, serving in the military makes them who they are. They do it for passion and so that the people they love and care about most can be free to live their lives peacefully.

Being a United States Marine is the bravest thing in the world to do. Going across the country to fight is very hard to do, especially being far away from home.

Someday, I believe that I will be the one all the way across the world fighting.

Editor’s note: Jose’s cousin, Lt. Ramirez currently serves in the U.S. Marines.

Editorial: Makeup Is Life

10 Aug

The use of makeup dates back to Egyptian times. Photo courtesy


By Jennifer D.

The history of makeup is a long one, dating all the way back to the ancient Egyptians. They used natural materials like kohl and berries to add color to their faces.

Egyptian women even used a moisturizer substance called “unguent” on their faces to keep wrinkles away.

In Roman times, women used  kohl on their eyes, and chalk to impart a whiter complexion. Cheeks and lips were given a rosy glow with rouge made from fruit juices.

Makeup in olden days was quite dangerous, however. White lead was often worn to achieve an aristocratic pale appearance. In the 6th century, women would even bleed themselves until their skin was pale enough.

As you can see, makeup was dangerous. But, girls today think it’s the best. I love to wear makeup every where I go. It’s my life, it’s me every where I go.

An Editorial: Should Girls Wear Makeup?

10 Aug


Don't over-do-it when applying makeup, says Gaby V. Photo courtesy

By GabyV.

Well, personally, I don’t think so, but I still do.

It depends on the girl, because makeup is not for everybody. It also depends if you can take care of your face enough.

Makeup goes with its good looks and  their bad looks. You can be  pretty, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can end up looking bad.

If you are young and wearing it, when you get older you can look really old and even have wrinkles on your face because make up can damage your face. Dermatologists say that it depends on the girl, because they all have different skill types, such as “oily,” “dry,” or “normal.”

If you use concealer or foundation to cover up your pimples it can be bad because it can cause you to break out, especially if you have sensitive skin, or are allergic to it.

Choosing the right makeup to compliment your facial features and keep your skin safe is important. Photo courtesy

Makeup can also clog your pores. Your pores are like little holes you have in your face and anything you put on your face it absorbs, like a sponge and that can affect your face.

If you put on  liquid makeup it makes your skins worse, but powder makeup can be better, by you can still break out. (Tip: Try to use bare minerals).

Soccer Player “El Chicharito” Scores With The Fans

10 Aug


"El Chicharito" is one of the most popular soccer players in the world. Photo courtesy

By Alejandro M. 

“El Chicharito,” whose real name is Javier Hernandez,  is one of the coolest 

soccer players in the world. He has played for many teams, including Manchester United where he was paid $1.5 million. He even has his own theme song . 

Born June 1, 1988 in Guadalajara, Mexico, El Chicharito joined the El Guadalajara soccer team when he was 9-years-old, according to his biography.  He has played for Las Chivas and Mexico soccer teams. 

El Chicharito’s jersey number is #14, and he plays forward. At 22, Javier Hernandez is his country’s “golden boy.” 

A Profile 

Birthdate: June 1, 1988
Height: 175 cm
Shirt #: 14
Position: Forward
International Caps: 16
International Goals: 9
First International: Mexico – Colombia, Sept. 30, 2009

Cultural Differences Add Spice To Life

6 Aug

Salsa is a popular dance style that originated in Puerto Rico. Photo courtesy

By Saribel C.

I like to listen to different kinds of music that attracts me. I love to dance to different dances from different cultures. I also love to eat different foods from different kinds of places.

Although some foods are similar, there are some important differences to be aware of. For example, Mexican food is spicier than Puerto Rican food.

The instruments used to create Mexican music are kind of the same as Puerto Rican instruments. But, Puerto Rican dances are different than Mexican dances.

The other cultures are all different because they eat different varities of food. In the United States there is a combination of food ingredients.

The increasing popularity of Mexican food in the U.S., has resulted in "American" touches, such as sour cream, being added to the dishes. Photo courtesy

 Other cultures dance differently depending on what country they’re from. Their music is different than what you hear in the U.S.A. The instruments used in other countries are colorful because every country has a history of  traditions.

Each country has something to offer, and we should embrace different cultures.

To learn more about Puerto Rican and Mexican food please visit these popular websites:

Some Animals Face Extinction

5 Aug


An estimated 4.8 million dolphins were killed by tuna nets between 1959 and 1972. Courtesy

By Leydy V. 

Animals are very cool, but some of them are in danger in Africa and other country’s. 

For example, dolphins are one of the animals in the ocean that are in danger because many of them get trapped and then drown in tuna nets. And estimated 4.8 million dolphins died this way between 1959 and 1972, according to some statistics found on the Internet. 

African Lions are also in danger because they are hunted and killed or captured and put in zoos.  I don’t think it’s right to kill animals. But, what I think they should do is help animals that no longer have a place to live and put them in another forest or ocean where they can live. 

The African Lion is a favorite target of hunters. Courtesy

Some animals are trapped by humans, like the Diana Monkey, which has a beautiful black and white coat that also has tufts of orange. The Diana Monkey is in trouble because the forest is  disappearing and because of hunting. They eat fruit, flowers, young leaves and insects from time-to-time. 

 Other animals that are trapped by humans is the Sumatran Tiger on the  island of Sumatran.  The island’s forest is disappearing and the tigers no longer have a place to live

Other endangered animals include the Diana Monkey (Courtesy Encyclopedia Britannica) and the Sumatran Tiger, above (Courtesy


Editorial: The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler

5 Aug

By Maico R.

Although Adolph Hitler is one of the most hated villans in world history, he was also a great leader.

He led a powerful army and  accomplished many things most people didn’t think possible – the killing of millions of Jewish people during World War II.

Hitler had excellent leadership skills and his speeches inspired his followers. He convinced his followers that people  who had blonde hair and blue eyes were part of a “Supreme Race,” although he himself did not have any of these features and was in fact, Jewish.

Addressing Rally in Germany, 1933. Source:

Hitler was born Braunau am Inn, Austria on April 20, 1889 and grew up to become the founder and leader of the Nazi Party. He ruled over Germany with an iron fist for 12 years. His dictatorship led to the death of millions of people.

Although he was powerful, he came to an end by killing himself in Berlin before being captured on April 30, 1945.

Love, In Any Language, Can Be Confusing

4 Aug

Part of growing up is trying to understand the meaning of "Love," says Gaby B.

By Gaby B.

El Amor es dificil de explicar. It’s hard to explain. Love is just so confusing.

Los que estan enamorados me entienden y los que pues algun dia lo entenderan. Pues les voy a decir algo el amor es dificil aveces puedes pensar que amas a alguien pero la verdad no sabes lo quo sientes.

People can think that they love you and you might think you love them back but the truth is that no one knows what they have until it’s all gone.

Algo si les digo cuando busquen un amor no busquen en la bellesa busquen el Corazon que es lo que interesa. El amor te puedo unir a alguien pero tambien puede destruir. El amor puede llegar en cualquier memento. El amor te  puedo lastimar te puede hacer sentir mal.

El amor es algo bonito en la vida el verdadero amor solo toca la puerta de tu corazon una vez.  Aveces puede haber personas que todo  lo que quieren es jugar con tu corazon y te puede lastimar mucho.

 Cuando sientoes que amas a alguien sientes mucha alegria cuando te llama…al escuchar su voz sientes que sientes mueres alegria y vuelves a nacer. Con el o ella te llenas de alegria. Se te puenden olvidar los problemas que tienes.

No hay nada mas bonito en la vida que el amor. Saben el amor no tiene edad. El Amor es verdadero y sincero.

Shakira, Her Hits’ “Don’t Lie”

4 Aug


Shakira's "Hips Don't Lie," is only one of the performers many hit singles. Click on the picture to see Shakira's music video "Waka-Waka."


By Andrea T.

You may know her as the famous “Shakira.” But, there is more to her than just belly-dancing and singing.

Even though she is best known for those two specific things, we need to go back-in-time to find out how and why this Colombia-born performer started to sing.

Shakira’s name means “thankful” in Arabic, according to Mike Campbell, the author of the article, “Behind the Name: Meaning, Origin and History of the Name  Shakira.”

At the age of 14, she wrote  began to write poems, according  to her  biography. One of her first poems was called, “La Rosa De Cristal,” which in English translates to “The Crystal Rose.”

She was so inspired by watching her dad write poems that she decided to ask for a wish: The wish was to continue writing her own poems. Eventually, those poems became songs.

When Shakira was four-years-old her father took her to a restaurant where she listened, for the  first time, to an instrument called the “Doumberk.” The next thing you know, she started  dancing  and clapping her hands. That was when Shakira discovered that she wanted to be a performer. She started taking belly dancing classes.

Shakira recorded her first cd at the age of 13. The title of the cd was “Magia,” which in English translates to “Magic.” The second cd was titled “Perligro,” but Shakira has said in many interviews that she was not satisfied with how the cd came out.

In the mid-1990s Shakira came out with a new cd called, “Pies Descalzos.”  The cd included a hit single called, “Donde Estas Corazon.” Her next album, “Donde Estan Los Ladrones,” featured a world video premiere, and made Shakira one of the best-selling artists in the world.

The next  album, “Laundry Service,”  was also a success, and featured the hit, “Where Ever, When Ever.” In 2009, Shakira released the album “She Wolf.” The single, “She Wolf,” became a number one hit.

The now 33-year-old Shakira also made the theme song for the 2010 Fifa World Cup held in South Africa. The song, “Waka-Waka,” has become a massive hit all over the world.

Shakira has inspired so many people; not only with her music and dancing. She has also inspired the world with helping and giving to charity. She has come a long way, but will always be an awesome singer.

Editorial: Why School?

4 Aug

By Caren Q.

Do you know of anyone that likes school?

Well I don’t, and I don’t know anyone that likes school.

Here are my top four reasons why nobody likes school:

  1. To much school work.
  2. Teachers talk all day and nothing they say sticks in anybody’s head.
  3. Classrooms are to hot during the summer and during the winter their are very cold.
  4. School food tastes nasty, always cold and frozen.

Here’s my recommendations on ways that school can become better:

  1. Less school work: Homework just once a week is better because the students won’t be stressful when they come back to school the next day.
  2. Encourage teachers to do less talking. Teachers get real annoying after a couple of hours.
  3. Make the rooms a nice fresh temperature, because then students will feel comfortable in the classrooms.
  4. Serve good food and not cold and frozen food. This is one of the main things that students hate – frozen food. It’s hard to swallow and it smells pretty nasty.